Briggs, when I think of you the first thing that comes to mind is your cheesy smile and infectious laugh. I think of you running to “Uncle“ Daniel with that smile and laugh. You loved him most! We all miss you and think about you often. Our last play date with you was at the splash pad in Villa Rica. You stuck beside Mommy most of the time because the big bucket of water that dumped over every couple of minutes scared you. When it was time to eat we sat at the picnic tables and Caiden made you laugh so hard with his silly faces. You begged for some of Caiden’s carrots and he graciously shared some with you. When our bellies were full you, Caiden, Maddie, and Ally went to the playground. You would play for a couple minutes and then come back for more of our snacks 😂♥️ Afterwards we went to Mingo’s and enjoyed blue raspberry frozen ice until our mouths were blue. It was such a fun day with you and I’m so glad to have that sweet memory. I wish I could share one more snack with you on this Earth, but I’ll wait until I see you soon in Heaven. I know the snacks are much better there anyways!

Thank you Jessica! You remembered that day to a T! I didn't know this was yall's last memory with him. My memory is so bad right now, apparently that is a side effect of the trauma we've experienced. I have pictures of this day too, I will share!