There are so many memories to even pick a favorite. Beach trips with cousins, bath-time with Cash, jumping in puddles with Cash in your diapers after it rained, riding around on 4-wheelers, hearing you burp like a grown man, vanilla-ice wind blown hair from the boat ride, you and Cash getting matching tractors for Christmas and pulling each other around in the trailers, putting you in the shower with Cash & I after you had a blowout in your carseat, the fact that Cash calls you Brigham and not Briggs, your little mischievous and contagious laugh.
Meshea, Josh & Ally
I’m so proud of your unwavering faith & your vulnerability. We have learned so much from you in these few passing months. As Cash says, “We will see Brigham for later”. What a day that will be. Take comfort in that promise from the Lord. We love you all so much!
<3, Cai-Cai, BoBo & Cash

The fact Cash has always called Briggs by his real name, Brigham, is my favorite! I pray he never forgets the time they've spent together.