To our favorite boy, Oh the memories we all have together. Your Lay Lay longs to carry you on her hip and back again. Our sweet Barron just cries and cries at the site of your precious picture, and your best friend Cohen ask for you daily while carrying your puppy she stole from your room (sorry to your mommy) I often look for you wherever we go hoping it’s a dream. I have your picture in my office at work and everyone asks about you!! Sharing candies, jumping on beds, going to the beach, running full force through the house, to lighting fireworks you were and are the best kid ever!! Buddy Aunt Kinsli can’t wait to kiss your sweet lips again and see your toes. So soon we will see you angel, until then send some more structure fires for your daddy to put out to keep busy, send all the yellow butterflies and a super early summer for your mommy to get out, and all the warm touches to your sister!!! I love you Wiggys.

I'm so thankful for ever memory your babes got to make with Briggs. I pray they remember them forever. We love you so much!