Yesterday, we gave our sweet baby boy back to the Lord.
Originally, his dedication was planned for the Sunday we had to close our church doors due to the COVID-19 restrictions. It broke my heart, but I understood. Yesterday, however, we woke to even more sadness. I felt bad to continue with Briggs dedication when the world around us was in such disarray. It felt shameful to celebrate a life while the world, and myself, mourned another. But after wallowing in my pity I realized, no, this in fact is the perfect day.
What better time to give my son back to God. I am raising my children in church, to know God, so that one day, they will be the change. So that one day, their Christ driven lives will influence the lives of those around them. I’m entrusting my son, and my daughter, into God’s loving care so that their hearts will reflect His, so that in a world full of so much hate, they might make a difference.
So yesterday, we gave our dear Brigham back to the One who gave him to us. We made a vow to raise him in God’s likeness and though so unworthy, we are so honored.
Parents, teach your children to know and love the Lord, otherwise, the world will teach them not to.
For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there.
1 Samuel 1:27-28
