To the girl constantly left heartbroken by a man, he was not and is not your savior. He won’t “complete” your life in the way you have imagined.
Girls, stop looking for a man to save you. Men are as human as you and I. They have flaws, feelings, stress, responsibilities, worries, and breaking points just like you and I.
Is man meant for woman? Yes. Were you created to be his helpmate? Yes. Are you to love and serve one another? Yes. But was he meant to replace Christ? No.
Sis, you’re looking to man to bring you the completeness and happiness that only Christ himself can provide. Only God can save you. Only He can bring you peace that surpasses all understanding. Only He can bring you true, undeniable joy. A relationship with God is unmovable, unbreakable, and never one sided. You will never feel like you’re not receiving as much as you give. He will not abandon nor forsake you. He will not quit loving you. In fact, His love will follow you to the depths of the seas, to the highest of mountains, and to the lowest of valleys.
God will not cheat on you, abuse you, disappoint you, forget to call you for days, or leave you for a younger model.
Are there men out there who can offer you a Christ-like love? Absolutely. But, I say it again, men are not our saviors. They are our helpmates. We are meant to love and serve each other in an equal manor. Your significant other can and will not “rescue” you, can and will not “heal” you, and one more time for the girls in the back, can and will not “save” you. Stop holding him to that high of standard. Only God can give you the kind of love you’re looking for. Let God fill the void in your heart that you are so desperately looking for a man to fill.
Once YOU have given God YOUR full commitment, then pray for your man. Let God mold you into a virtuous woman deserving of a godly man. Already married? Pray Sis. God can change your husbands heart just like He did yours. Show him God’s love. Show him your worth comes from God, not him or your relationship with him.
Girls, men. are. not. our. heroes.
There is a man who literally died for you, chase HIM!
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
