Having a second has been a serious game changer for me. I have mom guilt 90% of the time as I feel I’m inadequately splitting my time between the two. Obviously an infant requires more attention than a 6 year old, but does she understand that? All she sees is Mommy cuddling her little brother to sleep while she plays alone in her room. Honestly, I feel worse about it than she does. I try to make up for these moments by taking time with her when the babe is asleep, but that’s also the time I need to do all of the other things, like, feed myself and her, shower myself and her, do the laundry so we have clothes to wear the next day...the list goes on.
They say, “sleep when the baby sleeps,” or “the dishes can wait because babies don’t keep.” Well what about when there’s other children to tend to? And I’m sorry, tired or not, it is not within me to have a messy house.
So what do we do Mom’s? How do we multiply ourselves and our time so that everyone and everything’s needs are all met at once? The answer is simple. We don’t.
We can’t possibly be everything and everywhere at once. And guess what? God knew that when He called us to be Mother’s, yet He called us anyways.
It’s called GRACE. Not only does God give us grace, but we must give ourselves grace.
Children are so forgiving. Their love is so innocent and pure that it isn’t within them to not love back. If you’re nurturing them, even if it is in between other sibling cuddles, they will quickly forget the moments you mess up.
God intended for us to multiply the earth, therefore He knew He was creating one woman, to tend to and raise multiple children, as well as tend to the one million other things women tend to. He wouldn’t have given us such high expectations if He knew we weren’t capable. And He certainly wouldn’t have left us ill equipped.
Mama’s, it is within our very makeup to be successful in our homes, so don’t doubt yourself! Look to your Creator for strength, and most of all, give yourself grace!
“The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” -St. Therese of Lisieux
