My first born. The sweet angel that made me a mother. My sunshine on a cloudy day. I cannot fathom a life without you. For years I swore I would not bear another child for I just knew there was no way in this entire world that I could love another as much as I love you. You’re the reason I breath. The reason my life has purpose. How could I share such love? But then something began to change. As you grew older you longed for a sibling and your longing gave Mommy and Daddy a void in their hearts. A void only giving you a little brother or sister could fill. Though it took much longer than expected, God has given us the desires of our hearts, a desire that started with you. God has answered your prayers, little one.
I still sometimes wonder how I will love your little brother as much as you. Will I show him the same amount of affection? Will he love me as much as you love me? Will he be as kind and compassionate as you? Will he share your desire for Jesus?
My prayer every night is that I will not fail him in any way. I pray he feels the love that I have always shown you. And most of all, I pray I have properly allowed God to prepare our hearts and home for such a heavenly gift.
