I'm troubled, pained and suffer great sorrow, and yet I find peace in the refuge of The Almighty.
I've searched for peace, not realizing, all along, I have found rest in its tender embrace.
When I should have rent my clothes, screamed at the open sky, and wallowed in utter misery, I quietly cried out to the Lord, and He heard the desperation of my heart.
His presence has not left me. His arms are wrapped around me; His shoulders bear my load. When I should have lost my mind to indescribable grief, He kept me under His safeguard.
The nights seem so long, so full of misery and haunting dreams, but morning always comes, and with it a new day full of God's mercies.
There isn't a burden I have bore alone, there isn't a tear I have cried that has gone unseen, nor a prayer that has been unheard.
Though my pain is ever real and ever present, I humbly rest in a peace that transcends all understanding.
There are days I still beg for mercy, asking God to spare my soul this pain. The inward battles I fight are constantly beckoning my mind to a place of darkness. My heart longs for my boy, in a way that is without interruption, and only understood by a seldom few. However, despite the agony of great loss, my God is with me. I feel His strength, His comfort, and His love covering me like a blanket in the cold.
How blessed am I, to not have to walk this road alone.
"The glory of the Christian life is that we have a hope that overwhelms grief. It doesn't eradicate it. It sweetens it. It overwhelms it." -Tim Keller