This. This right here. I know it doesn’t look like much. I know it isn’t Pinterest worthy and certainly wouldn’t be found in a Better Homes and Garden magazine, but this, this is my war room.
As I was kneeling in my camper beside my camper bed on my camper floor, I prayed, I cried, I gave praise, I asked, and I apologized. But most importantly, I understood.
In my prayer, my heart began to swell. Before I knew it I was thanking God for every trial, every struggle, every storm, and most of all every lesson. In that moment, I realized that I’ve knelt in this camper, by this camper bed, and cried out to God more than I have in any other home or by any other bed that we’ve ever owned.
This camper that I have been oh so ready to leave, has become my place of prayer. This tiny camper bedroom that I’ve come to dread sleeping in, has become my war room. I’ve cried more, prayed more, praised more, and thanked more within the walls of this 265 square foot camper than I ever have within the walls of our 1,200 square foot house.
Yes, I will continue dreaming of a day when we live in our little farmhouse with the ever coveted white picked fence, but in the meantime I will stop focusing on the burden, and start receiving the blessing.
The past year and a half has brought me closer to God in more ways than one, and for that, despite the wear of the battle, I will be forever grateful.
