She wakes up to her kids bursting at the seems to wish her a happy birthday, clearly more excited than she is. Oh their sweet innocence. “What are we doing for your birthday today, Mommy,” my daughter asks as if expecting there to be a grand celebration. Somewhere in the back of my mind I halfway wish this were true. 😉 “Today is just like every other day for Mommy’s, I explain.” She quickly lost interest as suddenly the day sounded quite boring...and so began a Mother’s birthday.
From dishes to laundry, to getting the baby down for a nap so the oldest can have playtime with mommy. Then off to sisters gymnastics, where the babe gets nursed in the car so the 20 kids inside don’t ask what I’m doing with him. 😬 From gymnastics to soccer where of course it’s time for the baby to eat again and just so happens to simultaneously poop straight through his diaper and onto his clothes. Naturally there’s no changing table inside the ballpark bathrooms so a quick wipe down and wardrobe change in the car it is. At this point it’s the baby’s nap time but I need to be on the sidelines supporting sister, so we had to settle for napping in mommy’s arms. (He obviously had no objection to this! 😉) Finally, after what felt like the busiest and most exhausting day ever, and after a few minutes of self-pity (don’t lie, you’ve had these moments too), I was surprised with a small birthday dinner surrounded by loved ones!
A mother’s work is never done, and breaks are few and far between. Her role is often looked over, yet it’s the most important. She isn’t celebrated near enough, but cherishes the small moments she is. She’s a chauffeur, a chef, a butler, and a maid. She’s a teacher, a secretary, a nurse, and a life coach. She gets pooped on, peed on, thrown up on and wipes hinny’s all day. Is she ever told thank you? No. But would she change a second of it? Also, no.
So here’s to all of the mom’s out there who’s birthday’s ended as great as mine, or who’s birthday’s get looked over altogether, you’re amazing, and your work matters! Keep on keeping on Mama!
