Last night I woke up searching for Briggs. It's funny how your maternal instincts don't just suddenly turn off at the absence of a child.
Our children have always shared a bed with us. For nearly 9 years, all we've known is a little, snuggly body between ours.
Most cringe at the thought, but we recognized early on that babies don't keep. I would often get mocked for my choosing to be a stay at home mom and devoting so much of my time to my children.
But, my duties as a mother were and are more to me than just "duties." My children are my life's work, a work God called me to, and one I never took (or take) for granted.
I will never regret being labeled a mother who cared "too" much, or loved "too" hard. And I can assure you, mom's, dad's, that you will not look back and regret choosing time with your children over time for yourself.
Exactly 2 weeks before Briggs' passing, I wrote an entry labeled, "time isn't a thief, it's a blessing." I thank God He gave me this wisdom while both of my children still walked this earth.
I may forever be simply labeled "a mother," but there's no doubt that when my time on earth has ended and I meet my Heavenly Father, He will say, "well done, good and faithful servant."
No matter your calling, don't let your children become second.
“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
