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I've tried so hard to put into words the insignificance of things we as women put so much emphasis on, without sounding bitter or sullen. However, I continually find myself compelled to tell you, whether you're a soccer mom, SAHM, working mom, inner city mom or a country life mom, your goal isn't to cultivate the "perfect" life, but to cultivate a HOME. No matter its appearance or location, big or small, cultivate a loving, God fearing and serving, HOME.

Every moment isn't an instagram moment. A play date doesn't have to become a reel. Cooking in the kitchen with your littles doesn't have to be post worthy. Caring for your children and home doesn't have to feel praise worthy at all times, nor should it feel like a constant great, unachievable feat.

Turn off your phones and tv's, set aside your projects and negative feelings, and just be in the moment with your family. Don't hide behind a screen of unrealistic expectations, but instead LIVE and enjoy living with who and what God has blessed you with.

You are only given but a short while with your loved ones, in fact, we aren't even promised tomorrow. In the blink of an eye, everything you hold near and dear could be taken from you. Your home, your spouse, your child. Did you give them your all? Your time and attention? Your love and affection? Were you truly* present?

What you perceive to be the "perfect" life is irrelevant compared to the heartache of losing someone, or even something, you love. Suddenly, nothing else matters but the time you spent with them, and the time you no longer have. Make every moment count. Stop fretting what doesn't really matter, and start treasuring who and what is around you. 💛

With sincerity, from an experienced mother who faithfully knew "it" would never happen to her, yet has humbly suffered great loss.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." (the day is its own trouble). Matthew‬ ‭6:33-34‬


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