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We often pray for God’s will in our lives. Starting in our youth, we begin asking Him to reveal the path he has laid out for us. Even as an adult, I cry out in confusion begging Him to reveal His divine plan for me, but am Ireally ready? Are we truly ready to begin God’s work? If He told us now, would we put aside our dreams, our needs, our wants, to go where ever he may lead? We say we’ll follow, but what if it means packing your family up, your whole life up, and moving halfway across the world to a mission field? What if it means less family time, and more ministry time? What if it means sacrificing your desires for that of the Lord’s?

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” -Matthew 22:14

I heard a message preached by an outreach Pastor entitled “Silent Screams.” In his sermon he made the statement, “you don’t really want to know God’s will.” At first I was confused, but his point was that we often think God’s will is going to be glamorous. We think it will carry us to the mountain top, and for some it does, but for others, it takes you through the valley. It takes you to the streets, to the poor, to the mentally tortured. It takes your time, your energy, your strength. It takes you to places where you may have to walk alone, where you may feel most venerable.

You see, God’s will isn’t always heroics and fame. Your obedience may go unnoticed to man. Your sleepless nights spent in prayer pleading the blood of Christ for a complete stranger may go unseen. Your constant witnessing to those in need of hearing God’s love for them may go without recognition. The countless times you’ve tried to reach out to the lost, to your family, your friends, may not bring you popularity. So is it worth it? If God’s will takes you to the drug infested streets, will you still follow? If it takes you to foreign land, will you go? If it leads you to the children in your own church, will that be good enough? 

If God shows you His will for your life, are you without a doubt prepared to answer?

I ask God quite often to reveal His divine plan for my life. “Let me share my testimony, Lord.” “Use me, Lord.” But the truth is, I’m afraid. I’ve grown up watching many good men who have devoted their entire lives to the ministry, suffer from lack of support, suffer because they loved too much, suffer because they helped the helpless too often, suffer because they wouldn’t conform to man made rules, suffer because they gave when they didn’t have anything else to give. They didn’t suffer because God wasn’t blessing their ministry. They suffered because in a moment of desperation brought on by fellow man, their mortality revealed itself. Despite their love for God and their utter desire to help the lost and hurting, at the end of the day, they were only human.

So you see, my friend, God’s will for you isn’t always going to be a perfectly paved path. There will be good times, and bad times, high’s and low’s. There will be times of great triumph and times of great sadness. There will be a season of growth and a season of drought. The question is, are you ready? Are you ready, physically and spiritually, to go when God says come?

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”

Somewhere in the distance, the distance I myself have created, I hear His voice. I look at the world around me, strangers, friends, family and wonder, “why isn’t someone doing something about that,” and then I realize, “I am someone.” I wonder, “why hasn’t somebody reached out to them,” and then I realize, “I am somebody.” But despite my revelations, I choose to stay in my comfort zone, where it’s safe, where I face no uncertainties. I choose to let my fear cripple me. I ask myself, will people doubt His call for me? Will I be taken seriously? Can I handle the responsibility? Am I good enough? Will I have support from those around me? I’m left with so many uncertainties, so I run. I pray just enough to feel something, but not too much. I study just enough to know the basics, but less than I know I should. I give just enough to God to ensure my salvation, but never enough to hear His call. I’ve asked for a part in His mighty work, yet I cower in fear. I hear His whispers, yet I cover my ears to hear. I feel His pull, yet I pull back in opposition. Why am I so afraid? When I am ready, will it be too late to heed His call?

Will you let doubt flood your mind as I have, or will you run with perseverance when God says go?

“…Then said I, here am I; send me.” -Isaiah 6:8


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