Do you ever feel like you go through the same motions every day, face the same struggles, fight the same battles, and wonder if this season will last forever? But, then you remember that God has placed you in this season and that all things are to be done for His glory. So, you lift your head and you go about your day trying a little bit harder than you did the day before.
You do the dishes for His glory, you kiss the boo-boos and wipe the snotty noses for His glory. You serve your husband well, for His glory. You wash, dry, and fold, all for His glory. You sweep, you mop, and you clean the toilets, all for His glory.
And when another day begins, you find your self wishing for reprieve, or perhaps even another call, but then you remember, God has placed you in this season and all things are to be done for His glory, so you lift your head and go about your day trying a little bit harder than you did the day before.
Day after day, though your actions may seem but mundane, you're glorifying God with every sweep of the broom, with every wipe of the rag, and with every hug of a child.
A wife and mother's job may not be glamorous or even seem very spiritual. It may not require a fancy education, or even earn an hours wage, but God honors those who honor Him. Serve Him well in all that you do, be it little or large, do it for the glory of God.
