Sometimes this walk grows lonely. You'll feel as if you are but a stranger passing through in the night; a desperate vessel just waiting to be poured from. You'll question if perhaps you were just meant for another time, another era.
There will be many paths along your journey. These "paths" may come in the form of lessons, trials, or even people. You'll find the journey isn't always easy, and there's times you may grow weary. There will be moments of great triumph, and moments of great loss. You'll question your call; whether you're walking in flesh or in spirit.
Likely there will be times you'll have to stand alone, desperately clinging to God's promises. You'll have seasons of sowing and reaping, and even seasons of mere gleaning.
No matter your season, or where you are in your journey, be it the tallest mountain or the lowest valley, the Lord is with you always. This is His promise to us as it was to the disciples in Galilee, "...I am with you alway, even into the end of the world." Matthew 7:14
The next time you feel as if you're laboring in vain, remember this: "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
