“I have loved her, my little wanderer, with a mind full of wild forests and eyes that await adventure.” -Conny Cernik
We celebrated my favorite girls birthday this past weekend! I kept quiet on social media so I could soak in every moment of her special day.
Her personality is indescribable. She’s sweet and sour, shy but outgoing, prissy yet a tomboy, quick witted like her daddy, soft hearted like her mommy, and the most caring little girl you will ever meet.
I don’t take my role as her mother lightly, and pray every night for wisdom in raising her. In today’s society, it’s quite the feat to raise a godly daughter, with every force coming against godliness possible and instead pushing our girls to merely become sexual objects.
It’s my responsibility to protect her, body and soul, and to teach her that her worth is found in Christ, not man or society. It’s more important now than ever to protect our daughters from the world, Mama’s. The world is sexualizing them, telling them they’re only as good as what their bodies have to offer. Social media and the entertainment industry are their greatest enemies, robbing them completely of their innocence.
It’s ok to monitor your child’s, yes, even your teens, social media and screen activity, and it’s certainly ok to say no. It’s not our job to make sure our kids fit in, it’s our job to protect them. It’s not our kids job to raise themselves because we, their parents, are too busy with our own lives, your child is your life, and needs balance, structure, and boundaries.
If we want change, if we want good babies who become even better adults, it starts in the home. We must raise our children in the love and admiration of Christ, so that in the unsupervised moments of their life, and even when they have flown from the nest, their life reflects His.
