“It is not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It is our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.” -LR Knost
We haven’t shared all of the current events with our 6 year old, but the current events have certainty brought awareness into our home.
As a Christian parent, I’ve taught my daughter to love thy neighbor, no matter their differences. People say that children have to be taught to see the difference; taught to believe one better than the other, but I find that isn’t always true. Kids figure things out all on their own, and it’s our job, as their parents, to teach them that being different from one another doesn’t mean that one is better than the other. It’s our job to teach them that we, who are all children of God, were created impartially, in His image.
My daughter built this cross all on her own, and said, “I made this monument to show that Jesus loves everyone of all colors.” The thought seems so adolescent, yet its really not. It is actually just that simple.
God loves all.
He loves everyone. The saint, the sinner, the white person, the black person, the harlot, the thief, the gossiper, the liar...I could go on, but bottom line, he loves every single one of us.
Does he love our sin? No. Does he approve of it? No. Will he hold us accountable for it? Yes.
But God sent His only Son to die on a cross for OUR sins so that WE might be saved.
That is the selfless love that we must teach our children.
Want world peace?
Love. Like. Jesus.
