“When your children try to make you laugh, laugh. They love to hear your laughter as much as you love to hear theirs.” -author unknown
The world believes they are “empowering” our children by exposing their still growing and curios minds to things beyond their age. It is our job as parents to protect the vulnerabilities the world tries desperately to take advantage of.
Don’t let television and social media be their influencers. It’s not “just” entertainment. They are tools used to structure your child’s way of thought, personality, behavior, moral compass, opinion, and even identity.
Protecting your little one isn’t “sheltering” them, it’s you, Mama, raising YOUR child how YOU see fit, NOT how someone else sees fit.
Teach your babies about God. Teach them kindness and manors. Teach them consequences. Teach them to think independently and not as the world tries to make them think.
Let them be little. Let them be silly. Let them learn by exploring and asking a million questions. Teach them to be thinkers and doers. Teach them to use their minds and hands to fix things.
Remember, “the most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.” -Harold B. Lee
